Foi publicado em Abril de 2020 o Boletim Internacional dos Lyceum Clubes. Para consultar o boletim completo clique neste link (versão em inglês). Para além do editorial da Presidente Internacional, Muriel Hannart, abaixo transcrito, será interessante consultar os sites dos clubes de outros países e conhecer algumas das actividades que têm vindo a realizar.

«How quickly time flies! It is already eight months since you elected a new team! It is really a team, which works together and share its concerns, in order to bring better answers.
Our main concern was to contact the federations. What a diversity! It makes the Lyceum club wealthy! Between the Children Resort managed by the Cypriot federation, the involvement of some Italian clubs into the life of their town, the commitment of the Athens club in the preservation of the traditional Greek costume and the generosity of the NZ and Morocco clubs, there are many differences, but a very strong link between women: the development of friendship links between our clubs. It is our DNA and we need to take care of it.
We have supported many projects to create new clubs, helping with the wording of their statutes (Moscow is the latest one). We also worked on the wording of new international Statutes, and we helped some federations to improve their Statutes as some of them were very old.
Of course, the President’s duty was to encourage our friends in Lisbon who had prepared the next Cultural meetings with dynamism, determination and much hard work.
As you all well know, the unusual circumstances due to the global health crisis unfortunately led us to cancel the event.
But it is just a matter of time thanks to both the Rabat Lyceum Club who kindly offered to defer the preparations for the next Congress under way until 2022 and the Lisbon Lyceum Club who will not give up and will welcome us all in May 2021.
A great many members registered for the 2020 Cultural Days and the Board members all look forward to meeting you there.
It has been a real pleasure to work with the Lisbon Club and I would like to thank them warmly. They have been terribly disappointed. They‘ve shown a great commitment to the Lyceum and deserve our appreciation for it.
Friendly yours,
Muriel Hannart,
International President»