Gemination ceremony

On September 8th, the Grémio Literário Library held the gemination ceremony between the Lyceum Club of Troyes and the Lyceum Club of Lisbon. In addition to the International President, Muriel Hannart, and both Clubs’ Presidents, Annie Formont and Maria Teresa Matos respectively, several members of the joining Clubs were present. Afterwards we had a confraternizationContinue reading “Gemination ceremony”

Exhibition “D. Maria II – From Brazilian princess to queen of Portugal: 1819-1853”

The Club organised last 16th of July a guided tour to the exhibition hosted at the King D. Luís Gallery, at the Ajuda Palace. The exhibition reviews Queen Maria II’s two reigning decades (1834-1853) through art works, jewellery, objects and documents evoking the Queen’s biography, since her origins, upbringing, family life, her marriages, as wellContinue reading “Exhibition “D. Maria II – From Brazilian princess to queen of Portugal: 1819-1853””

Holidays farewell lunch

The past July 8th the Lisbon Club held a pleasant gathering as a holidays farewell lunch, at the Monte Mar restaurant near the Tagus river, counting 23 members. The current Board wishes all Club members a very happy holidays season, hoping that next trimester we may finally resume our usual activities.

Exhibition “All I want”

The past 25th of June, the Lisbon Club organised a guided tour to the exhibition “All I want” (hosted at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation), counting over 240 works of painting, sculpture, drawing, object, book, film and video, produced by 40 different Portuguese artists, from 1900 to 2020, including such names as Aurélia de Sousa, MariaContinue reading “Exhibition “All I want””

Web conference on Paul Gauguin

On the 9th February, the Lyceum Club of Lisbon was invited by the Troyes Club (France) to participate via Zoom in a web conference about the French paintor Paul Gauguin (1848-1903). Laurence Tardy conducted the conference, which was truly interesting, with a remarkable explanation of Gauguin’s works, especially the ones produced during his time inContinue reading “Web conference on Paul Gauguin”