Visit to the convents of Madre de Deus and Santos-o-Novo

On 23 November, the Club offered its members a cultural afternoon with a guided visit to the Tile Museum, Madre de Deus Convent and Santos-o-Novo Convent, conducted by Dr. Anísio Franco, whose descriptions and explanations of the convents were excellent. In the Church of the Convent of Madre de Deus, the carved wood and tilesContinue reading “Visit to the convents of Madre de Deus and Santos-o-Novo”

Guided tour to the Lisbon Geographical Society

On April 28th, the first cultural event with the new Lyceum Club Board took place, an interesting guided tour to the Lisbon Geographical Society. In 1875, a group of 74 intellectuals, journalists and politicians of the time asked King Luís to create the Lisbon Royal Geographical Society, with the aim of promoting and assisting theContinue reading “Guided tour to the Lisbon Geographical Society”

Guided tour to the Lisbon Military Museum

The Club held an interesting guided tour of the Lisbon Military Museum on 8th February. The collection of bronze artillery pieces is considered to be one of the most complete worldwide, both for its inscriptions and heraldic symbols, and for the ornamentation in the style of the respective casting periods. The 7 monumental paintings installedContinue reading “Guided tour to the Lisbon Military Museum”

Guided tour to Lázaro Leitão Aranha Noble House

On 20 January, the Club had a guided visit, with Dr. Madalena Fernandes, to the Lázaro Leitão Aranha Noble House. It was commissioned in 1734 by the principal of the Patriarchal Cathedral and lecturer at the University of Coimbra, Lázaro Leitão Aranha. In the atrium, a beautiful marble staircase and, on the walls, twelve figuresContinue reading “Guided tour to Lázaro Leitão Aranha Noble House”

Exhibition “D. Maria II – From Brazilian princess to queen of Portugal: 1819-1853”

The Club organised last 16th of July a guided tour to the exhibition hosted at the King D. Luís Gallery, at the Ajuda Palace. The exhibition reviews Queen Maria II’s two reigning decades (1834-1853) through art works, jewellery, objects and documents evoking the Queen’s biography, since her origins, upbringing, family life, her marriages, as wellContinue reading “Exhibition “D. Maria II – From Brazilian princess to queen of Portugal: 1819-1853””

Exhibition “All I want”

The past 25th of June, the Lisbon Club organised a guided tour to the exhibition “All I want” (hosted at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation), counting over 240 works of painting, sculpture, drawing, object, book, film and video, produced by 40 different Portuguese artists, from 1900 to 2020, including such names as Aurélia de Sousa, MariaContinue reading “Exhibition “All I want””